US Popularity:11599
Meaning:People of a different language; Little Cree; Little Shahi
Shayanne is a gender-neutral name of great significance in Native American language and culture. As your little one grows, they can find connections to their past, present, and future in their beautiful name. Shayanne is believed to derive from the word šahiyena, used by Lakota language speakers to describe “people of a different language.” Throughout Shayanne’s life, they will meet many people from all kinds of backgrounds- finding common ground with each and every one of them. Shayanne can also mean “little Cree” or “little Shahi,” describing the youngest members of The Cree, the largest group of First Nations people in North America. While your Shayanne may not stay “little” forever, they will always be reminded to look back on their younger years with pride.

Shayanne Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2015
+ 651
from 2012
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