US Popularity:5340
Other Origin(s):Chinese
Meaning:Peaceful; Gentle; Calm; Lion
Friendly and affectionate, baby Shizue is excited to be the latest pup of your pack! Shizue is a girl's name of Japanese origin, spelled as しずえ in Hiragana. Meaning "peaceful," "gentle," and "calm," Shizue has all the great characteristics of a lovable child. Nintendo fans may recognize Animal Crossing's Isabelle, a Shih Tzu known as Shizue in Japan. In Chinese, Shih Tzu means "lion," adding a mighty air to this moniker. In Japan, Shizue Ukaji is an Ainu activist for her indigenous clans of Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands, who just like a lion, speaks up for her people's traditions. With all the gentle nature of a dog and the strength of a lion, your little Shizue will have a well-rounded and magnetic presence.

Shizue Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1935
- 817
from 1934
In comparison to the previous year's data

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